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Intuitive Life Coaching

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Coaching sessions expand and develop the emotional and spiritual aspects of one's life.  It is through these sessions that clients begin to unlock the doors that have kept them from moving to another place in their lives.  All sessions are conducted via ZOOM or In-Person and each is confidential, safe and held sacred.  Clients have experienced exceptional results in the areas of; relationships, business, safety, freedom in all aspects of their lives, prosperity, emotional and spiritual growth.

Tina is an entrepreneur that has owned several businesses. For more than twenty-two years, she has provided personal life-coaching to thousands of clients, assisting them to experience their life's desires through emotional and spiritual coaching. Additionally, Tina is an author and published her BEaUtiFuLL Gracie Angels and Guides Book and Sacred Oracle Cards For Divine Pure Inspiration

Tina is happily married with five children and five grandchildren. She is an entrepreneur who has owned several successful businesses since 1987.  Her personal growth journey began in 1999 after going through a divorce. This journey led her to Global Relationship Center; where she trained with Bill Reidler, became a certified trainer and went on to teach workshops and mentorships to individuals and couples at centers across the United States. . A near-death experience and study with two spiritual mentors have heightened her intuitive skills, which allow her to clearly see and perceive, with a high emotional intelligence, where people are blocked in their lives.

She is an Emotion Code Practitioner and uses The Emotion Code Technique in sessions to support clients to release negative, trapped emotions in their bodies and subconscious.


“When I get peaceful, quiet, and surrender, the information, visions and symbols play like a movie on a screen before me - in my third eye. I then hear in my right ear, clear guidance. I am able to articulate where someone is stuck in a situation and give them the resources to help break through all illusions.” says Tina. “I am able to perceive with such clarity, the Truth of a person’s story, which is keeping them from what they want in their life. The intention I hold for them is so loving and so pure that it lends my clients the safety and energy to keep moving forward. The changes and transformations I see in people, after sessions are, at times, nothing short of miraculous.” 

Coaching Sessions


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NOTE: After clicking on "Schedule & Pay Now" you will be redirected to a page where you will select from available appointment times. 

  • All appointments must be paid for during the time of scheduling.

  • You will receive a confirmation email with your private, secure ZOOM meeting invitation information.


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